
Executive Board members that have served on the Board for at least one semester are eligible for election as President. The President's vote at all Collegiate Sport Club Council meetings will count as only one vote and will represent his/her club. The President's vote in Executive Board meetings will count as one vote. The President will attend and execute all three Collegiate Sport Clubs Council meetings per semester. The President will also attend and execute all Executive Board meetings, all council meetings each semester and any special meetings as necessary to discuss budgets, disciplinary actions, or other topics. The President will create agendas for the regularly scheduled Collegiate Sport Clubs Council meeting and Executive Board meetings in a typed format. The President will turn in these agendas to the Collegiate Sport Clubs Office 24 hours prior to the meeting. The required number of copies will be made available at the meeting. The President is responsible for ensuring that a written response to any budget appeal is delivered to the appealing club. The President is also responsible for ensuring that any clubs placed on probation by the Board receive a letter stating the reasons for probation, the definition of probation, and methods the team may use to prevent termination from the Collegiate Sport Clubs program. The President will represent the Collegiate Sport Clubs Council Representatives in all cases to the Recreation Center Board and UCSG Student Board. The President will oversee all activities relating to the Collegiate Sport Clubs Council, including fundraising and advertisement. The President will serve a dismissal letter to any Executive Board member that misses two or more meetings in the course of a semester. In the event that the President's office is vacated, due to resignation or dismissal, the Vice President will take the office of President.

Vice President

The Vice President's vote in all Collegiate Sport Clubs Council meetings will count as one vote and will represent his/her club. The Vice President's vote at all Executive Board meetings will count as one vote. The Vice President will attend all three Collegiate Sport Clubs Council meetings per semester. The Vice President will attend all Executive Board meetings, the three council meetings each semester and any special meetings as necessary to discuss budgets, disciplinary actions, or other topics. The Vice President will execute Collegiate Sport Clubs Council and Executive Board meetings if the President is unable to attend. The Vice President will represent the Collegiate Sport Clubs Council Representatives in all cases when the President is unable to attend. The Vice President will advise the President on all matters concerning the Collegiate Sport Clubs Council. In the event that the President is unable or unwilling to perform his/her duties, resulting in his/her resignation or dismissal, the Vice President will perform the President's duties for the completion of the President's term.


The Secretary's vote in all Collegiate Sport Clubs Council meetings will count as one vote and will represent his/her club. The secretary's vote at Executive Board meetings will count as one vote. The Secretary will attend all three Collegiate Sport Clubs Council meetings per semester. The Secretary will attend all Executive Board meetings, the three council meetings each semester and any special meetings as necessary to discuss budgets, disciplinary actions, or other topics. The Secretary will take minutes in the Collegiate Sport Clubs Council meetings and the Executive Board meetings. The secretary must distribute these minutes, in a typed format, to all other Executive Board members and the Collegiate Sport Clubs Coordinators within one week of the occurrence of the meeting. The secretary is also responsible for keeping available a record of all minutes and agendas from past meetings throughout a semester. The Secretary is responsible for taking role at each Collegiate Sport Clubs Council and Executive Board meeting. The secretary will keep a record of attendance available for the period of a semester. Additionally, the President may ask the secretary to draft letters to the clubs for various reasons, including the results of budget appeals and statements of club probation.

Voting Board Member

The voting board members' votes in all Collegiate Sport Clubs Council meetings will count as one vote and will represent their clubs. Each of their votes in the Executive Board meeting will count as one vote. The board members will attend all three Collegiate Sport Clubs Council meetings per semester. The board members will attend all Executive Board meetings, the three regular meetings each semester and any special meetings as necessary to discuss budgets or disciplinary actions or other topics. The board members are responsible for raising concerns, making suggestions, and sharing ideas with all other members of the Executive Board, including the President, as well as with the Collegiate Sport Clubs Coordinators. Board members may be assigned specific tasks or asked to head committees that will help to promote the Collegiate Sport Clubs program. The board members will take an active involvement in all decisions made by the board.

Alumni Advisor

The Alumni Advisor is appointed by the Collegiate Sport Clubs Coordinators. The Alumni Advisor will assist the entire Executive Board by offering insight to past issues and situations. The Alumni Advisor is a non-voting position; however, he/she may be required to vote on an issue in order to break a tie among the voting board members.