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Welcome to the UCB Guest Network

You have successfully connected to the UCB Guest network. You now have access to the internet and your session will last for 18 hours, before being prompted to accept the terms and conditions again. For information about using the network, please visit the UCB Guest service page.

Visitors from eduroam participating institutions

If you are visiting from an institution that participates in the eduroam (educational roaming) service, you can select eduroam from your available Wi-Fi network options. If you experience login issues, please contact your institution's help desk.

eduroam Secure Wireless for faculty, staff and student

The eduroam Secure Wireless service is now available for CU Boulder faculty, staff and students, allowing for access to secured campus resources (e.g. shared files, servers) and secured internet browsing, preventing man in the middle attacks.

Learn how to setup and connect to the network by visiting the eduroam Secure Wireless service page.