Published: Aug. 17, 2015

Huffington Post, Jeffrey YorkA recent article in the Huffington Post“Do Startups and Incumbents Differ on Reasons for Entering into Green Industries?”, features a study published by Leeds School of Business Assistant Professor Jeffrey York and Darden School of Business Professor Michael Lenox.

The study examines two areas of inquiry:

  1. What drives entry into emerging industries for startups versus existing incumbent firms? Are there different drivers for these two different types of entrants?
  2. What drives entry into emerging green industries that offer some kind of environmental benefit and environmentally preferable product, like organic food, solar energy or green building?

“I’m very excited to have our research represented on the Huffington Post. Our hope is that by drawing attention to studies like ours we can help to inform entrepreneurs, strategists, and policy makers seeking to understand green industry emergence,” says York.

York’s work on the study, “Exploring the Sociocultural Determinants of De Novo Versus De Alio Entry in Emerging Industries,” was partially supported by funding from the Shane Faculty Scholarship.

Want to Learn More?

To read the Huffington Post article, click here.

For a quick overview of the study, watch York’s video.

To view the abstract and access the full study, click here