Research Projects

Current Research Projects Funded by the National Science Foundation

Eurasian quasi-states map

Newest Project on Eurasian Quasi-States

Supported by the Human and Social Dynamics Initiative. Here is the grant abstract. Here is the Kennan Institute presentation (pdf).

Climate Change and Armed Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa

Climate Change/Variability and Armed Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa

A Collaborative Project of the Environment, Society and the Economy (ESE) Initiative of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Here is the grant abstract.

Civil war overview map

The Dynamics of Civil War Outcomes: Bosnia and the North Caucasus

Supported by the Human and Social Dynamics Initiative. Here is the grant abstract.

Other Research Projects

Afganistan-Pakistan War map

The Geographies of the Afganistan-Pakistan War

Here is the project website.