Leanne Lestak
GIS/ Remote Sensing Specialist

B.A., 1989, University of Colorado Boulder

Research Interests

Leanne Lestak is a GIS/Remote Sensing Specialist at INSTAAR's GIS lab which is housed at CU Boulder. The lab offers geospatial services to university and government researchers. Leanne received a Bachelor’s degree from CU Boulder in Geography in 1989 and has worked at the NOAA Aeronomy lab, the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and INSTAAR doing geospatial research since 1988. Leanne has worked on a variety of projects in the alpine, arctic, Australia, coastal areas in the U.S., the Great Plains, and others over the years for a number of researchers. She specializes in GIS and remote sensing as applied to western water, snow hydrology, coastal change, and the creation and distribution of high resolution scientific data.