Published: Sept. 19, 2017

Niwot Ridge saddle catchment  image in red and near infrared wavelength

The inagural newsletter features a drone's eye view of Niwot Ridge in red and near infrared wavelengths. Image credit: Oliver Wigmore

The CWEST Confluence brings together water news from Boulder and beyond. This semesterly newsletter aims to highlight water realted research and education connectedness across silos. Sprinkled with water puns, our newsletter gives readers insight into CWEST services and opportunities, CWEST reserach and education news, and upcoming CWEST events. We also promote reserach and education news from the larger, water community. Learn more about these connections in our inagural Fall 2017 newsletter


CWEST wants to engage with you and we invite you to engage with us. Send us your feedback on the newsletter, attend our events, and share your science with us. For our spring 2018 newsletter, we are interested in hearing about your exciting publications, resently funded projects, signifiacnt awards or honors, water realted events you are hosting in the spring that we can help promote.  

Email CWEST Program Manager, Lauren Tomkinson, at with your comments and news. 

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